Thursday, September 29, 2011

The exams.

The first day of exams was about a week ago. with math for the first subject & til' now,i haven't now about my score in math,it's actually whatever.
for the first time, the chair position was changed! i used to take a control with it, and now i'm in the back! tapi ternyata ngga segitunya hoki ya duduk dibelakang.
i used to study ahead of my english and chinese class for tommorrow. dude, can you just imagine how i tried to make some "HANZI" spread out of my paper? i've been studied for my chinese class since 10th grade, and it's never gets better,if it would.
Hanzi is such a chinese font , i don't know exactly how, too much outline and that is my problem. my problem to make a deal with it. and also the character,yes man i loved that. -___-
wish me luck, all that i needed is to finish the test with the best answer. and for the english, please do not take too much grammar. cassade nods,we're not genius in grammar. ;)


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